Be a good listener!

Listening can be seen as an incredible skill in a world where everyone tries to talk.

If we all start talking, it would definitely be a disaster because there wouldn’t be a listening audience to address. Eventually, talking becomes useless if no one is listening to each other, and nobody knows what they were talking about because your thoughts are only expressed to yourself as a repetition over and over again!

Proverbs 18:2

“ A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion ”

Talking about unimportant things is also a moment where you miss the opportunity to have your own silent moment or listen to something important!

Listening skills develop with patience!

If you’re patient, you’ll wait until your turn comes. As a result, you tend to listen to the other person and respond wisely.

The more you listen, the more you can help, and it’s a sign that you’re kind enough to value others!

Listening is as good as reading!

We gather knowledge by reading, and at the same time, we can collect knowledge through listening.

God always listens to us and responds to us, for his love is greater than anything you find on earth!

You will find greater treats in heaven but not on earth!

I wanted to make this as simple as possible in a way that it gives you the message quickly and clearly!

I hope to see you on my next blog post and hope you’re having a blessed day too!

Until next time!

James 1:19

“ My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger ”

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